DFS Policies and Statements

As a Group, DFS is committed to carrying out its business fairly, honestly and openly and we expect the same high standards of integrity from all of our employees, suppliers and partners. To ensure we adopt a joined-up approach, we have a range of policies that govern how we reduce our impact on the environment, the ways in which we do business, and how we treat the people we work with.

Environmental policies

From sourcing timber sustainably to finding more eco-friendly fabrics and fillings, as a business we are committed to making a positive difference. To read more about what we are doing to reduce our impact on the environment, check out our Planet Commitments page.

Fair business policies

We believe we have a responsibility to conduct our business fairly, transparently, and with care. These policies set out the ways in which we do business and ensure we are in compliance with laws and business best practices, to the benefit of our staff, customers and communities.

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Anti-bribery Policy

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Tax strategy

Community partnerships